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Updating company information in online service

Modifying Bank Account and Settlement Information

  • You can modify your company's or location's bank account details through the role of "Contract Manager" in Smartum's online service. You can view the bank account number under "Customer Information" in the left menu. If your company uses only one bank account for settlements, you can edit the bank account number in this section.
  • If your locations have different bank account numbers, you can add and modify location-specific bank account numbers under "Locations." You can edit a location's bank account number by clicking the pencil icon. When you add a bank account number for a location, settlements for that location will be paid to this account. If a location does not have a specific bank account number, the account number listed under "Customer Information" will be used for settlements.

Instructions for modifying the settlement period, settlement limit, and settlement reference can be found in this article.

How to Add a New Location for Your Company

  • Your company's contract may include one or more locations.
  • Locations under the same contract must receive the same type of benefit.
  • If you want to offer services for other benefit types (i.e., accept other types of benefits), a separate service provider contract must be made.

To add a new location:

  1. Log in to the online service with your Contract Manager credentials.
  2. Navigate to the "Locations" section in the side menu. You will see a list of your locations and a "Add Location" button above the list.
  3. Click "Add Location."
  4. Carefully enter the details for the new location.
  5. Finally, save the details by clicking the "Save Information" button at the bottom of the page.

Wait for us to add your new location to the network. We aim to process new location additions as quickly as possible. Your location will be added to the network once the new location's designated administrator receives an email from us with the subject "A new role has been added for you."

  • You can start accepting Smartum payments at your new location as soon as the new location's administrator has received the email confirmation of the new role.
  • After processing, we will send a material package to the new location by mail. The package includes, among other things, marketing materials and settlement forms for voucher settlements.

How to Add an Email Address for Payment Receipts

  • If you want to receive receipts for SmartumPay and online payments via email, you can set an email address for the location in Smartum's online service.
  • You can modify the location under "Locations" or "Location Management." Add the desired email address to the "Email Address for Receipts" field in the location details. Each location is assigned an email address separately.
  • Once you set the email address, you will receive a receipt for each payment by email. The receipt will include details about the payment and the payer.

Terminating a Contract

  • You can terminate your contract with Smartum and cancel locations through the online service with the role of Contract Manager.
  • If you want to terminate the entire contract, go to "Customer Information" in the left menu and click "Terminate Contract."
    • Set the contract end date, which can be no earlier than the current day. After the specified date, you will no longer be able to accept Smartum's payment instruments.
  • If you want to terminate only a location, go to "Locations" and click the red cross next to the desired location.
    • Set the location end date, which can be no earlier than the current day. After the specified date, the location will no longer be able to accept Smartum's payment instruments.