Update information as an employer, such as password or company contact person

Updating information in SmartumPlus service

As a subscriber of SmartumPlus benefits, you can manage the following company information while logged into the SmartumPlus service:

  1. Company details
  2. The email addresses of benefit users (employees) (Invitations for benefit acceptance are sent to these addresses).
  3. Checking the status of benefit users' accounts: accepted benefits for use / awaiting approval.
  4. Adding a person with subscription rights.
  5. Reporting: payroll reports and benefit account balances.
  6. Smartum’s bank details and reference numbers for topping up lunch balance via direct bank transfer.

Updating information in the old online service

You can update account information from the top right corner of the online service, in the User Account section. Select "Customer Information" -> Report new details and save. If your company name has changed, please inform our customer service. If your company’s business ID has changed, please also contact our customer service.

"I can’t log in, I need a new password"

SmartumPlus As a subscriber to benefits, you can log in without a password. Authentication is always done here either with online banking credentials or mobile certificate. You will not have actual user accounts for which resetting a password would be possible.

Old Online Service Click the "Log In" button in the top corner of the smartum.fi homepage, which will redirect you to the Smartum online service. On the homepage of the online service, there is a link "Request a new password". Click the link and follow the instructions to receive a new password by email.

If you receive an "Oops, something went wrong" error message during login or if the login fails, please try the following steps, which usually resolve the issue:

  • Clear your browser history and cookies
  • Try logging in with a different browser
  • Log in using the browser’s incognito (private) mode

What to do if the company’s responsible person/contact person changes

If you need to change your contact person, please contact our customer service. You can reach out via chat or email us at asiakaspalvelu@smartum.fi.