Smartum Giftcard use

Can the Smartum Giftcard be used in multiple transactions?

  • Yes. The Smartum Giftcard does not need to be used all at once.

Where can I find places where I can use the Smartum Giftcard?

  • Explore and find a suitable location to use your Smartum Giftcard here.

Can the Smartum Giftcard be used in lunch, bike and commuting networks?

  • Unfortunately, in the first phase, Smartum Giftcards cannot be used for services in our lunch bike or commuting networks.

Where can I check the remaining balance on the Smartum Giftcard?

  • You can currently check the balance of the Smartum Giftcard through the payment service at by entering the gift card code at any point of sale when making a payment. 

    When you make a payment with the Smartum Giftcard, you will receive a receipt via email for the transaction, showing the amount used. Unfortunately at he time being, the remaining balance is not displayed on the receipt.

How long is Smartum Giftcard valid?

  • Smartum Giftcard is valid 12 months from the of the purchase.