You can view and print settlement reports in Smartum's Extranet. This guide explains where to find the reports and how to select your desired time range.
Article content:
Where can I find the settlement report?
How do I view and print a report in Extranet?
How do I export a report in Excel format?
How do I see the net amount of a single settlement in an Excel report?
Where can I find the report in PDF format?
Frequently asked questions about settlement reports
Last updated: February 3, 2025
Smartum’s Extranet provides information about service locations, settlement transactions, and agreements.
We send settlement reports via email when a settlement is processed, but you can also view and print them from the Extranet for a selected time range.
Where can I find the settlement report?
You can easily find settlement reports in Smartum’s Extranet.
You can view settlements if you have the contract owner or settler role. Your active role is displayed under your username, and you can switch roles from the dropdown menu. If you have multiple user roles, select the correct account, and the available roles will appear in the menu below.
Log in to Smartum’s Extranet.
How do I view a report in Extranet?
You can generate a settlement report for viewing or printing. The viewing mode opens in Smartum’s Metabase tool, and printing is available from the PDF view.
Select the Tilitysraportti tab from the left-hand menu.
In this view, you can browse the report. Enter your desired time range in the highlighted blue field.
How do I export a report in Excel format?
- All data can be downloaded as an Excel file. Move your cursor to the top-right corner of the report. Click the three dots that appear to download the report in your preferred format.
- If you need the settlement data for your company’s bookkeeping, select your desired time period. Once you define the time range, the settlement details for the selected period will be displayed.
- In the lowest section (Service Provider Billing), you can download data for all settlements made to your company for the selected period by clicking the download icon.
- You can filter table data into the desired order and review payments by service location. Additionally, you can see a breakdown of the service fee and VAT included in the settlement.
How do I see the net amount of a single settlement in an Excel report?
Click the last column cell labeled P1 in the table.
From the toolbar, select Insert -> Pivot Table.
The table range is automatically selected, and the placement is set to the previously created worksheet. Click OK to confirm.
Select the fields SETTLEMENT_ID and SETTLEMENT_TOTAL for the report, then close the selection window.
The pivot table is now ready. You can see the net amount of the settlement next to the settlement ID.
Where can I find the report in PDF format?
You can print the report from this view. Enter the desired time range in the designated field and click the PRINT PDF button.
Frequently asked questions about settlement reports
Where can I get more paper settlement forms?
You can print additional settlement forms here.
How do I change the settlement payment interval?
You can manage and change the settlement payment interval in Smartum's Extranet.