How do I order additional benefits in the Smartum Saldo service?

In the Smartum Saldo service, you can order additional benefits for your new and existing employees according to the tax limits of the current year.

Ordering additional benefits when all employees have previously received Smartum Saldo benefits from your company:

If you want to order additional benefits for employees who have all previously received Smartum Saldo benefits from your company, you can place the order without the registration phase.

First, create the order with the types and amounts of benefits as usual. After creating the order, you can go to the Employees tab, where you will find the Add Employee button. Through this, you can search for employees who have previously been beneficiaries in your company and add them to the order. The employee will receive a notification by email when they are added to the benefit order.

After adding all the employees, you can proceed to finalize the order using the Order Saldo button. Once the order is completed, you will receive an invoice in the manner you have chosen. When the invoice is recorded as paid, the benefits will be loaded to the employees the following evening. The benefits will be available to the employees for 15 months from the loading date.


Ordering additional benefits when there are also new employees who have not previously received Smartum Saldo benefits from our company:

If you are ordering additional benefits for employees, some or all of whom are new and have not previously received Smartum Saldo benefits from your company, you must use the registration link for the registration process.

You can create the order as usual. When creating the order, you can also write a separate message in the first step to inform your employees about the available additional benefits.

Once you have defined the types and amounts of benefits and created the order, you can share the registration link with your employees in the manner you prefer. When the registration period has ended or you know that everyone has registered for the benefit, you can finalize the order. After finalizing the order, you will receive an invoice in the manner you have chosen. When the invoice is recorded as paid, the benefits will be loaded to the employees the following evening. The benefits will be available to the employees for 15 months from the loading date.