Accepting Online Payments

How does customer pay with Smartum Online Payment?

  • Customers can easily pay with Smartum Online Payment on your website.
  • When making a purchase, the customer selects Smartum as the payment method, similar to selecting credit card or online banking.
  • They log into their Smartum account and confirm the payment.
  • After confirming the payment, the customer receives a receipt via email, similar to SmartumPay app payments.
  • Payments made with Smartum Online Payment appear in the transaction history section of the online service under the Venue Manager role, just like app payments.
  • Refunding an incorrect payment to the customer can also be done through the online service within the same day. Access the online service at
  • Payments from Smartum Online Payment are subject to the same refund and cancellation policies as normal purchases from your partner's online store.
  • There are no additional costs to partners for using Smartum Online Payment. You will pay a service fee based on our pricing for completed transactions.

What services can customers pay for with Online Payment?

  • Smartum Online Payment is suitable for all our benefit types: exercise, cultural, massage, lunch, health, bike, and commuter benefits.
  • Note that with Smartum Online Payment, customers can only pay for services related to the network type of the online store they are using (for example, a partner in the exercise network cannot pay for cultural benefits on their page).
  • According to tax authorities, beneficiaries using Smartum Online Payment can only pay for services or products they personally use, not those intended for another person's use. Customers can purchase multiple items for their own use, such as multiple-use tickets.

Adding Credit Card Payment to Smartum Online Payment

  • If you have Smartum Online Payment and want to allow customers to pay part of their payment with Smartum employee benefits and the rest with a bank or credit card, you're in the right place.
  • The split payment feature is done through the Stripe payment gateway.

Instructions for implementing split payments:

  1. Create a Stripe account for your company to receive payments.
  2. Connect your Stripe account to Smartum's Stripe account using the links below.
  3. Once activated, you'll receive Stripe ID credentials for testing and production. Save these and provide them to your developer.
  4. Connect Accounts:
  5. Connect Stripe Test Account: []
  6. Connect Stripe Production Account: []
  7. You can test the general interface through Smartum's demo webshop: []

Test Credentials:


Password: sagapo

Test Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242

CVC: Any 3 digits

Expiry Date: Any future date

How to implement Online Payment on my website or online store?

  • Smartum Online Payment is a safe and easy payment solution for customers and partners on your own website.
  • You can add Smartum Online Payment to your online store at no cost and with minimal changes.
  • Find the implementation guide and technical instructions for your developer here.
  • Tip! If your company uses WiseGym, Liveto, Eventio, Johku, or Liikuttajat online store platforms, you can easily add Smartum Online Payment by contacting the platform provider.
  • You can find the venue_id necessary for enabling Online Payment in our online service under the "Online Payment" section managed with the Service Provider Manager role.