Let's put people first
We all need different things to feel good and healthy. Smartum offers well-being benefits for people, who want to feel good and live their best lives.
The story of Smartum
How did the exercise voucher idea of two brothers turn into the birth of Smartum?
From door to door by listening to customers
Not many believed in the mid-90's that the Exercise Voucher as a fringe benefit and as a tool to improve well-being at work would become a success. The founders of Smartum Ltd. Jarmo and Jorma Hyökyvaara kept believing in their idea. They recognised that working ability and well-being will become an important competetive edge that companies of all sizes crave for. Taking the idea to life required firm will, longevity, and listening with sensitive ear. And so started the journey of Smartum.
Our values
Every person at Smartum has participated in creating our core values. We believe that action generated by our values can be best taken, when the values are genuinely in alignment with the values of our employees.
We are open to our customers, to each other and to the feedback we are getting. We support our customers' growth and also give ourselves space to grow. We share information openly, approach different viewpoints with respect, and use open dialogue to find the best solutions. We embrace new perspectives, opportunities and ideas. As a company, we openly communicate how our services have an impact for well-being.
We work seamlessly together for the benefit of our customers, our personnel, and the company. We help each other with respect and appreciation. Our people are trustworthy and committed individuals. The company is respected, trustworthty partner for opportunities and suggestions.
Continuous improvement
We challenge ourselves to try new things and we break boundaries fearlessly to evolve and to improve our services. We boldly and curiously seek new opportunities and methods to accomplish things. We actively work to learn and we openly recognize and take responsibility of our mistakes. We let go of what doesn't work and continuously improve to provide value to our customers.
Our mission
At Smartum, we see people as whole individuals, with work being just one part of a meaningful life.
Improving individual well-being already for 25 years
Our mission at Smartum is to support people's comprehensive, individual well-being. We can do this by enabling them those things, that are genuinely meaningful to their well-being.
In order to support well-being, the employers need to acknowledge their employees' individual needs more than before. Only the support that is meaningful to the employee is meaningful to the employer. An employee, who leads their own well-being, needs to have the freedom and the responsibility to choose, what kind of support they need in order to feel good and healthy. We believe that the companies recognising this will create a strong basis for growth.

Request for well-being mapping from our experts
Do you want to discuss our well-being solutions with our experts, or would you like an offer? Leave us your contact information and you will hear from us soon!